North America, the great power of latter history. In the map portrayed, Canada and the United States together form the entire continent by themselves. However, there is a great abundance of cultural, geographical, and social diversity for the relatively small landmass.

The Regions of North America

Northern Region:
Most of the northern reaches of North America are very frigid, especially in some parts of the U.S. and most of Canada. There isn't much rain fall, but the amount of yearly snowfall more than makes up for that as northerners know quite well. Most of Canada's wilderness is pristine and untouched by the hand of humans (unless someone was stupid enough to go out there and die from frostbite).
West Coast:
The west coast is radically different than its northern neighbor. It has an extremely low amount of yearly rainfall and typically has a dry, desert-like climate with the exceptions of Washington State and Oregon.

East Coast:
The east coast has the most moderate climate with cold winters and hot summers (for the most part). It's difficult to really say much about the people and land features because there are so many factors. Both northern and southern countries lie inside the East Coast boundaries and the land features change like crazy. Hurricanes often strike the southern-most states of America, causing great damage to people and property.

Great Plains:
The "breadbasket" of America has lots and lots and lots of flat land. As one could guess, Agriculture and ranching are the primary jobs and the population density is incredibly low. There are tons of tornados on a yearly basis, causing millions of dollars in damage during the long run.

Land of the Free and the Home of the... Obese?

One of the main cultural traits (or more so a stereotype) of Americans is their notorious liking for fast-food. McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Arby's, Wendy's, Bojangles, ect. can be found on nearly every street corner (at least in the more urban/suburban areas). With the aid of clever advertising and food additives, these companies are "raking in the dough" from busy adults and, most importantly, children of all ages. The food items sold at these restaurants are so incredibly dense with saturated fats, trans fats, sodium, and artificial everything that each meal is the equivalent of an instant heart attack (hyperbole). Also, lack of exercise, stress, and the constant need to fill the-empty-hole-inside-you-because-you-never-got-a-hug-from-your-parents are making it even worse. After it is all said and done, one conclusion can be made about us as a society: WE ARE FAT LARDS WHO NEED TO LAY OFF THE JUNK FOOD.