Africa: The Epicenter of Conflict

Political Map Africa

Africa, a war-torn land of death and disease that has exploded into a severe dilemma.

Geography: African Deja Vu

The most interesting geographical phenomenon in Africa would have to be the fact that the country acts similar to that of a mirror. The whole of Central Africa is lush with expansive jungles while the northern and southern most areas are rather arid. The African Great Lakes, reminiscent of our own northern Great Lakes, are located in the south eastern part of the continent, bordered by the Great Rift Valley (mountain range). There is also a mountain range called the Atlas Mountains which border the Kalahari Desert in Algeria (northern Africa).

Darfur: Rumble Arena Part 1

The Darfur conflict is a prime example of how different people clash over the pettiest of inconveniences. In the beginning, Sudan was separated by primary religion; the north being Arabic Muslim, the south Christian, and the west black Muslim. One day, an Arabic Muslim let his livestock carry over into black Muslim land that was being used for agriculture. The owner of the land, who was black Muslim, confronted the Arabic Muslim and an argument ensued. The Arabic Muslim community gathered together and began slaughtering innocent black Muslims in their anger. After much damage was done and the Arabic Muslims backed off, rebel groups quickly converged and sought for 'retribution.' They came with their weapons and slaughtered innocent Arabic Muslims in the north. In the end, both sides have become corrupt and the conflict continues to spiral out of control even as we speak.

Somalia: A Breeding Ground for Baddies

Somalia, located on the horn of Africa (eastern coast), is a place of complete and utter disarray... or at least since the '90s. There is no government, piracy blooms, and conflict brews continuously thanks to the help of neutral arms dealers. Many countries have attempted to rectify the wild situation that has manifested itself in Somalia, yet none have succeeded. This wouldn't seem to be much of a problem, but in the long run it really is. Ships that pass by the horn of Africa are often raided by Somali pirate groups, causing delays and, in some cases, human casualties. With no apparent solution in the foreseeable future, countries need to make one last, effective attempt to halt the violence and wrong doings. Without these efforts, the Somalia problem will continue to grow and spread into its neighboring countries.

Rwanda and the DRC: Rumble Arena Part 2

The DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and Rwanda; two hotspots for conflict and more conflict. Ever since the Rwandan genocide, innocent Rwandan survivors have moved in Kivu, or the eastern part of the DRC, to escape the death and disaster of their homeland. However, thousands have ended up making the transition, and their troubles have followed in pursuit. Now the conflict has risen once again, just in a different country. The DRC was kind enough to let people use Kivu as a "safehouse" back then, but now that trouble has ensued, they are faced with a tough decision. Do they send the Rwandans back into their old country to draw out the conflict or just eliminate the opposing force? That question has yet to be answered to this day.

South Africa: The Apartheid Deficit

The period during the Apartheid, or the oppressive set of laws that affected all black South Africans, was one of great hardship and suffering. Similar to that of post civil war America, black Africans were stripped of all of their rights and were treated like dirt. It took several decades with the efforts of the persistent Nelson Mandela and a slew of freedom fighters to stop the unjust rules. However, today is quite a different story. The old Apartheid days are nothing more than old stories passed down from generation to generation. The brutal effects of that harsh time period have drifted away as the new century came upon the South Africans, bringing rebirth and a chance to stabilize the black African population.